How To Download

What is this?

This is an e-book, not a physical product, which means that once purchased the file will be ready to download and read. It bypasses the shipping time and cost of shipping, and just a nice quick easy read from your phone/tablet/laptop. It is a 70 paged (passionately written) page-turner divided up into several sub-sections, all with clear subheadings so you can fast forward to the parts that interest you most!

How can I download this book?

Upon purchase, there will be an option offering to download the book. It comes in a PDF format that is suitable for reading online or printing, that will need to be downloaded. Thereafter it can be saved in your documents, and yours to keep forever! 

Can I refund this book?

If there is an issue with our e-book, please email in your reason and I will take it into consideration as feedback for the book, and may be able to offer you a refund. 

What if I accidentally delete / lose the book?

If you are able to show me a screenshot that proves your purchase, I can email it out to you again. 

Will this book guarantee me entry into medical school?

Most definitely not. This is a multi-faceted application process which has many obstacles along the way - this book is a collection of my anecdotes and experiences, and what I've found to work well through my own application process. Please take from it what you will, and what seems appropriate for you. I have high confidence in my tips as it has had many nods of approval from teachers, interviewers and so on - and believe that my application success is proof of it. However the process is very subjective and this book is not to say that replicating my application will produce the same results for you. Despite this, I firmly believe it offers good guidance and opens your eyes to non-conventional things that you may not have thought about. 

Any other questions?

Please feel free to email in, or DM us on our social media (@hustlers97 on Tiktok).